Summary of AnalysisThe chart below includes that data illustrated on the overview web page but expanded to all of Bernalillo County. The red dots show the Bernalillo County precincts selected by the raw dice rolls recorded in the audit report -- but after recreating the "software fixup" formula. The 157 precinct selections in Bernalillo County are sorted in the order of precincts in the government's precinct list. Each dot is to the right of the previous dot by an equal horizontal distance. The dots are vertically positioned by the line number in the county's precinct list.
However, the green dots are the precinct selections from the audit report. The reader will see a rectangular cutout that jumps over the range 232 to 520 with no selections, an unaudited range of 288 precincts. A nefarious actor could know in advance that precincts in this range would never be selected for audit, allowing the actor to focus tampering on these precincts. This would defeat the value of the audit in assuring the accuracy of the election results. The linked report provides details beyond the scope of this web page, such as:
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