Ping Me!


Optimizing Code for Cluster Computing




Table of Contents

Section                                                                                                             Page


1.1 - Title Page………………………………………………………………1

2.1 - Table of Contents………………………………………………………2

3.1 - Introduction…………………………………………………………….3

4.1 - Procedure ………………………………………………………………4

5.1 - Research  ……………………………………………………………….5

            5.2 - Parallel Computing……………………………………………..5

            5.3 - Clusters…………………………………………………………6

            5.4 - Similar Utilities…………………………………………………6

            5.5 - Networking……………………………………………………..7

            5.6 - Fractals………………………………………………………….7

            5.7 - Solar System Simulation……………………………………….8

            5.8 - Cellular Automata……………………………………………...8

6.1 - Code Overview…………………………………………………………9

6.2 - Cluster Program Overview…………………………………….9

6.3 - Fractal Program Overview…………………………………….11

6.4 - Solar Sim Program Overview………………………………....13

6.5 - Cellular Automata…………………………………………..….15

            7.1 - Performance Model……………………………………………………16

                        7.2 - Solar Sim Single Spacecraft per Node………………………...16

                        7.3 - Solar Sim Multiple Spacecraft per Node………………………18

                        7.4 - Fractals Performance Model…………………………………..19

                        7.5 - Cellular Automata Performance Model……………………….21

            7.6 - Applications of Performance Model…………………………..24

8.1 - Conclusion……………………………………………………………..25

8.2 - Comparison: Communication and Computation………………25

8.3 - Strategies for Optimizing Project Code………………………..26

9.1 - Bibliography…………………………………………………………...28

10.1 - Acknowledgements…………………………………………………..31

11.1 - Appendix……………………………………………………………..32

            11.2 - Computers Use……………………………………………….32

11.3 - Windows Networking………………………………………...32


Modern-day supercomputers incorporate both advanced silicon chips and parallel processing for the highest performance. However, Moore’s Law[1] will shortly stop increasing computer speed, so in order to still increase speed it will become necessary to focus on parallel processing, a method to separate a computer program into steps that can be run simultaneously. There are many hardware platforms which support parallel processing, most notably custom supercomputers (such as Sandia National Lab’s Red Storm), multi-core processors (which appear in Playstation 3), and clusters (average PCs linked together.)

Although clusters are not considered an efficient way to build a fast system, there are many circumstances where they are extremely effective. Google is based on a cluster of PCs, and although its details are not available to the public, it is obviously a hugely powerful cluster. Since clusters are cheaper than manufacturing custom chips, many universities have clusters on which their students can run simulations. Parallel processing has varying efficiency depending on the type of program. Ray tracing, or the process of drawing incremental lines through a 3D environment to render it, is called an ‘embarrassingly parallel’ problem because each line can be drawn separately. Other embarrassingly parallel problems include climate modeling and brute-force code breaking.

Linking together many computers in the form of an efficient cluster will soon become a feasible alternative to a single expensive chip for several reasons. There are surplus obsolete computers, ones that are slightly slower than the newest desktops and therefore considered unusable. A very small percentage of them are recycled, but the vast majority contribute to landfills, allowing lead and other pollutants into the environment. An efficient cluster system which can distribute processes across computers of vastly different speeds could be applied to these older models and turn ‘junk’ into a powerful system. A cluster system could also be applied to school computer labs, giving students access to a powerful computational tool and encouraging computer science and research.

Computer chips are manufactured by etching pathways into a piece of silicon. Unfortunately, silicon atoms are fairly large, and these pathways need to be around 30 atoms in diameter, in relation to the 300 they are now. In the far future, perhaps in 15-20 years when computer chips have gotten to the atom-width and can no longer be miniaturized, clusters and parallel processing will be the only way to still improve performance without switching to a completely different method of computation.

Objective[2]: It should be possible to construct a cluster and develop a cluster control program that will serve to communicate between computers, allow them to perform functions in parallel, and organize the data from different computers into a meaningful result. Using test data from the cluster we should also be able to estimate the runtime of the cluster in various software and hardware configurations.






There are several levels of tasks to build a cluster system.

The procurement and installation of individual nodes is the first, and often most expensive, stage. Since this project uses load-based (weighted) task allocation the computers need not be of the same design or speed. With applying clusters to used computers, the computers selected were from the local auction house and diverse in their make. Out of 24 used desktop computers (plus other miscellaneous supplies), costing $150 in total, eight were selected for this cluster. Only three nodes are used for the calculation times described because of the physical limitations of bringing in a full-scale cluster setup. Each node included in the cluster must have all appropriate hardware (batteries, network cards, memory, etc.), Windows 2000, and a network connection to the master node.

Once the hardware is complete, the computers must be able to communicate. This takes the form of a traditional master/worker node setup, where the master initiates connection to many other nodes and regulates the communication. The master needs to be able to exchange information commands with the nodes multiple times. The nodes identify commands from the master and know how to execute the command as well as send back the result. The master then identifies which node the information came from and reassembles the information from different nodes into the original structure of the result.

Next, there must be an application for the cluster to run so as to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cluster system. This project focuses on three applications with different communication and calculation requirements to see how the cluster works in different interaction settings. The first application is the calculation of the Mandelbrot fractal, a mathematical image that requires each point to be calculated separately. This requires very short instructions for the nodes, variable amounts of calculation, and large amounts of data to be re-transmitted to the master node. The second application is simulating gravity-assist routes in the solar system, especially to far-off planets[3] like Pluto. This requires very short instructions for the nodes, huge amounts of calculation, many large pictures to be transmitted back to the master node. The third is a Conway’s Game of Life, the epitome of a cellular automata program. Cellular automata requires interaction between nodes, making it a balance between simulation size and transmission time. All of these applications require the master to re-construct the answer out of the data it receives from the nodes. Using different application structures reveals the strengths and weaknesses of cluster computer architecture.


Parallel Computing

“Parallel computing is the simultaneous execution of the same task (split up and specially adapted) on multiple processors in order to obtain results faster.[4]” Parallel computing can be seen everywhere from expensive high-performance supercomputers, clusters, to Playstation 3, to standard multi-processor computers. This time effective method of breaking down long problems into smaller similar pieces has become popular for many reasons. First, it’s time efficient: sequencing steps that don’t need to go in order constricts how fast something can be done. This means users can use their computers to solve harder and longer problems faster. It’s also more effective to use lots of slower processors than to make a single faster processor because fast processors are expensive to manufacture and design for the following reasons:

·        Silicon chips are increasingly hard to fine-tune as they approach the atom-width.

·        While more compact etching on silicon is sound in theory, these compact chips consume huge amounts of power and produce a proportional amount of heat.

·        To avoid melting the chip, the designers include elaborate cooling devices, which take up space and energy. Often, the miniaturization in the chip is lost in the enlargement of the cooling device.

The cost per unit of speed improvement in a fast processor is increasingly high. Memory requirements are high for large problems, and using multiple ‘nodes,’ or processing units, allows the memory to increase in proportion to the speed, reducing bottleneck problems.

Different types of problems can be adapted to parallel computing with different success rates. So-called ‘embarrassingly parallel problems,’ are easy to adapt because most to all of the calculations they perform are completely independent of each other. For example, in computer graphics there is a method called ray-tracing that is incredibly compute intensive- and also, fortunately, embarrassingly parallel. This method takes the position of the camera/viewer and ‘looks’ at a 3D digital scene by drawing rays in every direction from the position of the viewer to the scene and figuring out when a ‘ray’ hits something. Each ray is completely independent of each other- all they require for calculation is the relative position of the viewer and the scene. Each frame of modern animated movies, such as Shrek and Cars, requires thousands of rays to be drawn. However, if you had a thousand computers they could each draw one ray, making this compute-intensive process take no time at all!

Other embarrassingly parallel problems include fractals, brute force code breaking, weather modeling, seismic simulations, and genetic algorithms. SETI at home, where users can donate their computer’s time to help analyze astronomical radio signals, is an example of a huge cluster, or network of computers working in parallel on one problem. Google is also based on a cluster, although its details are not released to the public.

Some problems are more dependent on previous solutions than others, and these are situations that cannot be broken into different parts for a parallel computer. The general analogy for a problem that cannot be broken up is “One woman can have a baby in 9 months, but 9 women can't have a baby in 1 month.” Inherently, some tasks cannot be broken into parts- they are totally sequential. The extent to which a problem is adaptable to parallelization largely depends on its complexity class.



Clusters specifically refer to the form of parallel computing which uses PC’s linked together, as opposed to multiple processors in the same computer or completely customized supercomputers systems. Parallel computing’s main goal is to perform multiple calculations at once. Clusters best represent the cost advantages of parallel computing.

While many argue that a cluster is only as fast as its slowest computer this is only true for scheduling methods that do not take into account the relative capability of each computer. mpC (see below) is one method that does account for varying computer speeds.

For this project, the researcher obtained computers for an 8-node cluster. This involved re-formatting the hard drives, installing Windows, getting suitable network cards as well as their drivers for each computer, and configuring the internet and network settings. The computers’ speeds/other information is in the Computers used appendix. There are some pictures of the cluster setup in the Results folder.


Similar Utilities

There are cluster utilities, such as Moab, Loadleveler, TORQUE, that seem to do similar jobs to this project. However, these programs are focused on cluster management, the scheduling of jobs from different users on different nodes. They try to provide the ‘user-friendly’ interface that allows many people to use the same cluster, rather than using a cluster to solve a specific problem. They are open-source projects, most based off of Linux distributions, and are therefor free and open to changes. However, they seem to exhibit, more-so than other projects, the major drawback of Linux. While they have a specific application in mind they are made through the collaboration of many people. There is often redundant or missing code that has to be tracked down and sorted out. They are difficult for someone who has not coded on the project to use; however universities who have Linux coders available to trouble-shoot the problems often use them.

Also, specifically for C++, there is a project called mpC that is useful for cluster computing. “The main idea underlying mpC is that an mpC application explicitly defines an abstract network and distributes data, computations and communications over the network.[5]” mpC takes code that has been defined for parallel computing and adapts it for different cluster configurations. This project addressed the very important aspect of weighted distribution to account for varying computers in a more program- integrated sense than Moab or TORQUE.

Another approach is a programming language where the original code is written in parallel to begin with. These languages are not common or popular because programmers have not been taught to think in parallel; the infrastructure is not there.

Yet another approach to integrate parallelization directly into code is RapidMind, a system that uses function calls in a C++ library to divide code into parts. The programmer simply puts the function around the part that will be parallel. This program is specifically for multicore chips, such as those in the new Playstation 3, rather than for clusters.



In order for a cluster to perform effectively, nodes must be able to communicate commands, recognize commands, and access memory. Traditionally, there is a master node that handles the communication between nodes and allocates tasks. To do this, the master node needs to be able to communicate through the network with the worker nodes.

The master node uses system commands to communicate. There are several libraries that can be loaded and used in C++, one of the most common ones is MPICH[6]. These libraries supply simple shortcuts for programmers when writing code by writing common functions into the library and allowing the programmers to call the function instead of programming it themselves.



A fractal is the collection of all points that are in the set, or all points whose value stay finite when they are put into an equation. The general way to test a point for whether or not it is in the Mandelbrot set is put it into the equation where Z is the point and is the original value. When the new Z rises above 2, the equation will quickly rise to infinity because it gets squared, but while the value is under two it has the possibility of staying finite. Fractals are computed on a complex plane, meaning that  is the y-axis. This allows the fractal to stay finite because, which reduces the value. Fractals often display not only which points are in the set (traditionally colored black) but also how quickly points not in the set escape to infinity.

Since the equation is applied to each point an indefinite number of times, every point either stays finite the entire time (is in the set and colored black), or rises above two and is colored according to how many times the computer calculated it before it rose above two. Above, the Mandelbrot fractal[7] is super-imposed on the complex plane, showing how it extends from –2 to 1. Each point is completely independent of every other point, so in theory, if you had an infinite number of computers you could have each calculate just one point and you would be able to see the entire fractal! Fractals show up everywhere in nature, such as trees, turbulence, galaxy formation, ferns, and in many mathematical series. Calculating a fractal was picked over other applications (such as determining if a 100-digit number is prime) because it is embarrassingly parallel, easy to understand, fascinating mathematically, significant, of interest to the general public, and it is a visual way to see the difference a cluster makes in a calculation.


Solar System Simulation

In order to plot efficient and fast routes to other planets, it is necessary to use the gravity of planetary bodies to boost the rocket’s speed and change the rocket’s position. Simulating the rocket’s path can reveal the optimal way to launch a rocket so that it uses little fuel and reaches its destination in a short amount of time. Solar Simulations are especially important because of the expense of the probes and the scientific value of the data they collect.

There are several methods for calculating the positions of the planets necessary to calculating gravity assist routes. One relies on Kepler’s equations for planets which approximates that their orbits are an ellipse. This is an efficient and reasonably accurate method. There are also different ways to calculate these positions using Newtonian physics. There is the basic (position +1)= position+time*velocity which is used in Solar Sim, the test application. There are also higher order calculations that increase the accuracy, such as second and fourth order Runge-Kutta methods. These are integration methods that average the definite integral at several points for a more accurate answer. Since this method does not calculate the new position at every point it is not entirely accurate. Another problem with this method is known as the “n-body problem,” where the number of calculations increases exponentially with the number of objects.

Although these more complex calculation methods increase the accuracy of the result, Solar Sim’s function here is to provide a simple, significant, and tangible process which can be used as an example when characterizing how different program structures can be optimized for their performance on a cluster.


Cellular Automata

Conway’s Game of Life is perhaps the most representative cellular automata program. Cellular automata is a system that uses a grid to track the states of each individual cell and modify the state of that cell by using information about neighbors’ states. This is a very practical program because it is applied in so many fields, including theoretical math, simulating the spread of disease and fire, modeling crystal growth, and variants on mathematical and biological fractals. It is even possible to simulate a Turing machine in the Game of Life, allowing the simulation of all possible computable programs! The Game of Life allows a baseline for all cellular automata programs, and would easily allow rules to be added and transform this program into any one of these applications. Quantifying the viability of running cellular automata on a cluster covers a broad and useful area of possible programs.

The Game of Life is simple. A square gird contains cells that are either dead of alive. If a living cell has fewer than two neighbors it dies of loneliness and if it has more than three it dies of crowing. If a dead cell has three neighbors it regenerates. These simple rules amazingly create a complex and fascinating program.


Code Overview

The best way to understand the program written for this project is to read through it. However, as a summary is often a helpful way to start, here are flowcharts of the basic structure of the code used and its functions.[8] This details the structure of the cluster system and the inputs, outputs, and processes of the applications.


Cluster Program Overview

The program is setup so that both the master and worker nodes run the same program, but main() they are directed to either master2run or node1, allowing the program to work as an effective link.

First, the master node initiates master2 (setup), in which the sockets are established, as well as the ‘identities’ of the computers. During this time the computers exchange preliminary information, such as the IP address, and prints out in command prompt which node is which. The browser then requests data from the program, which directs the master node to execute master2run, which it stays in for the rest of run time, allowing it to initiate connections only once but issue multiple commands. The master sends the worker node a command letter along with a structure containing the information needed to execute the function. In the case of fractals, the master sends parameters for where to calculate the fractal while Solar Sim only requires the command[9]. The worker node extracts the information it needs, creates an array for fractal or orbits to write the answer into, and calls the function. Then the worker node sends back the structure with the array, along with some other identifying information. The master node receives this data, modifies the array with the answer to be fed into an image file, and then contacts the browser to display the image. In the case of fractal, ISMAP is called by clicking on the image. This appends extra characters onto the end of the address, which the master node reads and converts into new parameters for the fractal function.


Fractal Program Overview

The distribution of data divides the fractal picture into as many parts as nodes, allowing the nodes to share the calculation time equally. Run time can vary, usually from .5 to 3.7 seconds per 600X600 pixel picture, due to how many times the nodes have to run through the equation. Points colored black have to go through the equation 254 times before the function decides it’s in the set and moves onto the next point. Since the picture is broken into parts, some nodes will get more of these compute-intensive points than others, changing run time. The effectiveness of node weighting is not as dramatic as it could be because of the variability in the compute intensity of each section. However, with nodes of sufficiently diverse speeds it is still necessary.

The fractal program uses a browser function called ISMAP that allows the picture to be clicked on and returns the coordinates of what was clicked. This again calls the program, which re-defines the parameters for where to calculate the fractal according to what was clicked, and the master/ nodes exchange the new information again. This process can be repeated indefinitely, although in theory the computer’s floating point system will eventually run out of decimals to accurately calculate the fractal. Images are saved in the browser’s log files, which can be retrieved later.


The fractal program was used to calibrate the cluster by weighting the nodes. The graph below reveals the relative speeds of the nodes through a record of how long they took to calculate the same amount of the fractal.

Running the fractal program on the cluster cut the runtime from 14.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds, and weighting the nodes reduced this number again down to 3 seconds.

Solar Sim Overview


The orbits program is separated differently. The program involves calculating the path of each of 100 rockets as well as the positions of the planets. The program uses Newtonian physics to calculate the positions of both the planets and the rockets. Since the calculation of the planets’ positions is a substantial part of the calculation time it would seem that this calculation should be shared between the computers. However, since the updated position of each planet is required for the accurate calculation of the rockets and it is impractical to have this position transmitted between nodes each timestep this calculation cannot be effectively parallelized and must be performed on each node. Unlike the planets, the rockets are independent of each other, allowing them to be calculated separately. Each node is assigned rockets to calculate, the number depending on the weight of the node.

The variability of compute intensity is less than the fractal program. The rockets have a variable timestep dependent on how close the closest rocket is to a planet. Should the rocket be close to a body the computer calculates more times so as to preserve accuracy. If the rockets are broken up in such a way that all the rockets one node calculates are always farther away from critical planets than the other nodes’ rockets then the node will calculate fewer times and finish earlier. This is not a significant effect because the rockets positions are assigned in a two-dimensional array, while the nodes are assigned their rockets in a one-dimensional array. This gives them a wide sampling of rocket positions. In the same way, rockets that crash into planets and no longer need to be calculated are ‘evenly’ distributed between the nodes. Also, the planet calculation is constant for all nodes, increasing the amount of calculation and therefore making the (and possibly variable) rocket calculation a smaller part of total calculation time.

Transmitting the data back to the master node is also difficult. The data can be contained in two forms: the positions of each rocket at every time and the output picture, showing the same data graphically. The picture is the final output of the program (the rest of the data is not displayed) and as it is the smallest amount of data and is what the nodes send back to the master. The picture is transmitted in a condensed form where only colored pixels are sent back, reducing the amount of wasted transmission time. The master overlays the specified picture coordinates so all the rockets are shown and then displays it in the browser.

Solar Sim sends back as specified number of colored pixels, allowing the user to control how many they want to view. Using this, the transmission time as a function of data was quantified. This graph shows the transmission time when different numbers of coordinates are sent back to the master.

Solar Sim demonstrated huge runtime benefits by running the program on the cluster. This graph shows the relative speeds of both the cluster and the laptop.

As shown, the speed of the three node cluster was almost three times the speed of the laptop.




Cellular Automata

The cellular automata program used is Conway’s Game of Life. It is adaptable to many different applications by changing the rules for cell state changes, and therefore could easily be morphed into one of many other cellular automata programs. Since the cells are dependent on each other, it is more difficult to parallelize than the other applications. However, it can be achieved by having each node send its neighbors information concerning cells each neighbor needs for calculation. Each node sends a boundary region of some size to the left and then listens for the incoming information from the right. Then it sends to the right and listens from the left. Depending on the size boundary region, this can happen many times during an entire simulation or few times. Each time, a node calculates its region along with the boundary. The cells at the very edge are no longer accurate because the node does not have information about its neighbors. After each successive calculation, a new row becomes void. After ‘eating’ through the boundary layer of cells, the nodes exchange information again. This is more effective than exchanging information every timestep.

Cellular automata was effective on the cluster even though there are transmission constraints because of the intermediary data exchange.


For more information on the cluster built specifically for this project, see Appendix “Computers Used”. There are also several windows commands that are useful networking tools, shown in Appendix “Windows Networking.” All code, both separated by function and complete as a project, is in the code binder.

Performance Model

Developing a performance model allows us to project the effect additional numbers of nodes will have on the efficiency of the cluster before we add them.

There are three components to be considered when developing these models: calculation time, transmission time, and simulation repeat. Calculation time describes the time one node takes to calculate its portion of the problem. The transmission time of all the nodes consists of the time to send the data plus the delay time caused by the master node bottle neck. For interactive programs such as Solar Sim and fractals, we must take into account the number of times we must run the program before we reach a desired result.


Solar Sim Performance Model With One Spacecraft per Node

In analyzing Solar Sim, the calculation time is based on the number of rockets calculated and the time to calculate each for a fixed simulation time. The desired result for this program is the accuracy with which the spacecraft array traverses the desired path, controlled by the launch size. Each time we run the program, we reduce the launch size by some amount and it brings us closer to the goal path and launch size. Since when we have n rockets and the same number of processors, we have  choices.

Therefore, if we modify the array R times, with n fixed, our launch array will be of size Let us pick a target width W that will be achieved after R refinements, or  Solving, we get  and  or . Since this cannot be fractional, we have  as the number of times needed to refine the array for it to reach the target width.

The calculation time,, for n rockets is controlled by the amount of time in the simulation. In this case, we will choose a simple and arbitrary number, 10.6, as our start case for the amount of calculation time, c, to calculate one rocket for the duration of the simulation. Since with massive parallelization we have only one spacecraft per node, n is also the number of nodes. This means that for one simulation the calculation time expression is .

The transmission time, , can be obtained by carefully testing the transmission times for arrays of various sizes. There are several graphs in Results that show how this was measured. The transmission consists of two parts. First is the time for the nodes to receive, process, package the send-back-message, and send it, denoted s. Since the master can only receive from one computer at a time, there is a delay from when one node reports back to when the next does. These delays, each called d, constitute the second part of transmission. As measured, s= 1.03 and d= 1.34 for 150,000 transmitted ints, the standard for this program. Combining this, we have the transmission time for one simulation as:

Now we add and , which show the runtime for one simulation, and multiply by the ceiling function of the number of individual simulations we must run to achieve a specific goal width. This means the total time for Solar Sim is:

Using data collected from the cluster, this model was implemented to estimate the optimum number of nodes for Solar Sim and also the scalability of the application.

The graph is not smooth because of the ceiling function in the equation. Sometimes a node will add the extra spacecraft crucial to one fewer simulation than the previous, resulting in a significant dip in time. At about 11 nodes the transmission time resulting from accumulated delay becomes greater than the calculation time, making adding nodes too costly in delay to be effective.


Solar Sim with Multiple Spacecraft Per Node

Having only one spacecraft per node quickly builds up overhead with delay time. However, when there are multiple spacecraft per node we can easily add nodes that decrease the calculation time without adding delay time at the same 1-to-1 rate. This method of calculating multiple spacecraft per node allows for higher parallelization and is used in this project.

The amount of calculation time is of the same form, only this time we make the distinction between n nodes and r rockets. Therefore, the number of required calculation is  The transmission time is expressed in the same way, but the calculation time changes. Now we take the total time to calculate all the rockets and divide by the number of nodes. We are assuming that all of the nodes are properly weighted so they share the time equally. So the calculation time has been changed to . Combining the total time for a multi-spacecraft simulation is:

Unlike the previous model, having multiple spacecraft per node allowed greater benefits for adding processors. The benefits became lower as more processors were added. This graph shows the model’s performance when huge numbers of nodes are added.


It is more effective to have multiple spacecraft calculated per node, but both ways make this application advantageous to run on the cluster.


Fractals Performance Model

In the same way we can quantify the expected time for fractals. The main difference in this setup is the importance of nodes. In Solar Sim, the more spacecraft used the fewer times we needed to calculate. However, fractals have an esthetic quality. We would not want to scale how much we zoom by how many pixels there are. Instead, there is a concept of ‘width,’ only this time it is the goal zoom size relative to the original zoom size. Each time the user clicks on the image it enlarges by a factor of 3, so for Z zooms, our view window relative to the original is . To reach a desired size S, we must set or .

The total transmission time is still the n-1 times the delay plus the send size. These values are slightly different for both programs, but are easily tested. The total transmission time is

The calculation time, assuming the pixels, p, are equally shared between the nodes, with c being the average time to calculate a pixel, is .

Combining, the total calculation time for fractal is:


This model produced the same effect as calculating multiple spacecraft per node with Solar Sim.

The total time will go down but it will not be effective for you to continue to add nodes. At about 34 nodes it again becomes too costly to add a node. The graph below shows where transmission and calculation time cross, and how this controls the time benefits of adding another node.

Fractals can be effectively parallelized to run on the cluster. The constraints on cluster efficiency come from transmission time being higher than calculation time.


Cellular Automata Performance Model

This performance model consists of the same three elements as the other examples: calculation, transmission, and repeat. Cells are dependent on each other in cellular automata. When we have the simulation field separated over many computers they must communicate during the calculation to transmit the condition of the cells near the border region. Then each cell must calculate part of its neighbor’s region so that the state of each cell is not transmitted once per timestep, which would be highly inefficient. By balancing the time to transmit some number of rows and the time to calculate the same number of rows it is possible to make cellular automata highly efficient. Since the entire calculation will be separated into chunks between communication, we can view the ‘repeat’ as the number of full cycles of one calculation of so many timesteps and one transmission between all nodes.

We can imagine a simulation field i by j cells across. We can also assume that for many nodes we will have them not separating the picture vertically, but will each take a square, making up rows and column. We will call the number of column  and the number of rows . As shown, we will take ,  as a test case.

The calculation time for each node will be the time it takes to calculate one cell times the number of cells. The node will not only calculate its region but also the boundary region belonging to each of its neighbors. The boundary region has some width b. As shown in the picture, the total number of sections will vary from node to node depending on if it is in the middle or on an edge. The lower left computer will be calculating its section as well as the yellow and pink sections and transmitting out the green and orange sections. We must account for these areas when we model how many pixels each node must calculate.

The height of each region is and the width is  because we have j or i total pixels divided by the number of computers. To get the total height times the total width we must add 2b to both dimensions. We are assuming that for large numbers of nodes most will be in the center and have this many neighbors. We find the time it takes to calculate one pixel, called c, and multiply this by how many pixels we have, resulting in one cycle’s calculation time. The equation for a single calculation, therefore, is:  This is not completely accurate because some nodes do not have all 2B extra area pieces to calculate. However, this is still a good estimate because it is not necessarily possibly to weight the nodes so they still have the same amount of space to calculate. The slight over-estimate is compensated for in real life by slight node weighting imperfections.

Next we find an equation for the transmission time. Message sending on computers work like a pipeline: information travels in one end, spends some time going through the cable, and is put in a buffer until it is retrieved by the next computer. Each node must communicate in four directions. First, all the nodes will send the boundary to their left neighbor and receive from their right, then send to the right and receive form the left. Next they send up and receive from the bottom and switch again. Using this method, we do not have to have a third transmission to give each node information from nodes diagonal to it because the nodes to the top and bottom of them have this information and include it in the transmission. This transmission must be computed every time the node runs out of cells it knows are accurate, that is, after b steps.

We will call the time our horizontal transmission will take and our vertical transmission. We know that the time a single transmission will take is. This is because  nodes transmit for t seconds in one direction and then in the other. Now we must quantify t. Using data from the cluster, we can find some function  that describes the time to transmit p pixels. Transmitting horizontally, we have the number of pixels over the number of nodes times b and so . Transmitting vertically, we must add in two squares of side length b, and so . We also have a very small delay time, d, caused when the master receives the information from all nodes.

The number of times this must be repeated is trivial. For f iterations, with b computed after each transmission, the total number of repeats, R, of this calculate-send cycle is . From these three parts we can derive the performance model for total time.

As tested, this model gives significant runtime improvements for huge numbers of nodes before the transmission time exceeds the calculation time and adding a node becomes inefficient.  Below we see the lowest time value and its position relative to calculation time and transmission time.

In addition, using and this model confirmed the performance of the cluster for a 1200 by 1200 simulation with a border region of 50.

Despite cells in this calculation being dependent on each other, cellular automata can be run on a massively parallel cluster for significant runtime improvements.

Applications of Performance Model

Using the most representative performance model, Multiple Spacecraft per Node with Solar Sim, it is possible to estimate the kind of hardware that is best suited for some particular problem. Say we have a given amount of money and we want to know how to spend it most effectively. We could spend it on many computers that are slower and cheaper or fewer computers that are faster and more expensive. The process of finding the optimal kind of hardware for a problem is as simple as applying the existing performance model. There are two ‘scale factors;’ price and speed. We divide the calculation time by the speed scale factor and the number of nodes by the price scale factor. This shows how the same amount of money spent on different kinds of computers will effect the runtime. Using the performance model, we can estimate and compare the relative cost and efficiency of different hardware systems.

We can consider several types of hardware for the cluster, such as 1, 2, and 3 ghz computers. Assuming everything is purchased retail, the cost of computers are about 1 ghz= $5, 2 ghz= $75, 3 ghz= $150. We also must take into account the electricity needed to run these computers. Assuming they will be run for 365*24 hours at 7/kwh over the course of their time in the cluster we can estimate the cost of electricity per node. A 1 ghz computer will use about $22 worth of electricity, making each node cost about $27. Faster processors use more electricity, making a 2 ghz node cost about $105 and a 3 ghz node about $186. Using these figures, we can construct the graph below, which compares the effectiveness of running this problem on different types of hardware.

These are, of course, estimates that do not take into account other variables. Also, the price of computers and electricity can be highly variable. However, the conclusion is clear. It is more efficient to buy many cheaper computers, such as the ones currently employed by the cluster, than fewer expensive computers for use in a cluster, especially for problems of this type.

The overall goals of this project have been reached and exceeded. A heterogeneous cluster has been constructed. It executes a variety of parallelized code and is a hugely powerful computational system. The applications run on the cluster allow us to quantify the strengths and weaknesses of the cluster architecture and use this knowledge to project runtime in different hardware and software settings.


Comparison: Communication and Computation Requirements of fractal and orbits.

This chart shows the two different program structures so as to accurately interpret the effect these have on the efficiency of the cluster.


Master ΰ node


Variability of calculation

Node ΰ master


Command with two calculation parameters

Up to 255 calculations per pixel, almost always

Variable. Since each pixel can range from 1 to 255 calculations, the time changes un-proportionately to the pixel number

One picture, the size dependent on the amount of calculation


Command only (calculation parameters included elsewhere

At least 107,222 timesteps, each calculating (all nodes together) 981 attractions per timestep resulting in 105,182,782 calculations

Stable. Rocket positions are distributed, on average, evenly, resulting in fairly even calculation

7 pictures, size not dependent on the amount of calculation


Little to no difference in amount of data transmitted

Orbits has many more calculation

Fractal is much more variable

Fractal’s result is dependent on the amount of calculation



Orbits’ calculations takes significantly longer

Node weighting is more obvious in orbits

Fractal’s result transmission takes significantly longer


Strategies for Optimizing Project Code

One goal of this project was to optimize the efficiency of the cluster, minimizing any negative effects linking together computers might cause and exploiting the inherent benefits of multiple processors. The project code went through multiple steps to ensure that it ran at its highest performance. Important code modifications include:

·        The function fractal takes a data structure including an array for it to fill with the final data. This structure is set by the dimensions of the final picture and contains a number between 0 and maxsteps (currently set to 254), showing if each pixel was in the set or, if not, how far out of the set it was. When the program was run on the original computer there were no memory constraints, and the array was floating point. Once it had to be transmitted between computers the fact that is was about 16 times larger than it had to be became apparent, and it was cut back to an unsigned char, a much more memory efficient way of storing a 3-digit number.  The original code took about 6 seconds total to communicate, generate, and display a new image[10], while the smaller array cut the time down to around 3.5 seconds. This shows how structure that is not apparent on a single computer becomes extremely important on a cluster.

·        Encouraged by the performance increase, the next programming step again focused on the array. Originally, the master node would pass a large structure to the worker node through two standard send/receive commands functions. The structure contained space for a command number, the parameters for fractal, and the array which fractal uses. The worker node uses this structure to call fractal. However, this caused the large array to be passed uselessly! The master node only needed to tell the worker node what it wanted and how to calculate it, and it was unnecessary to pass the empty array. To fix this, the read and send functions had to be modified into two copies, two with the array and two without. This allowed the worker to create the array before it called fractal and then only send it once. This got the runtime down even more- usually about 2 seconds, but ranging from 0.7 to 3.7. Apparently, for optimal performance, the command is not the same as the response. This is important to keep in mind, especially because a single computer completely skips to the ‘worker node’ step. The ‘send’ and ‘receive’ structure has an important role in an effective cluster.

·        Lastly, after analyzing the timer data from the three nodes, the concept of load-based task allocation was taken into account. The three different computers ran differently, so the time it took them to calculate the same share of an image was different. Since the image needs all the points from every computer to be complete it was dependent on the slowest computer to get it’s results in. The fastest computer sometimes reported in only 0.7 seconds, leaving the other two to calculate for 2.4 or 2.6 seconds. This greatly slowed the process. Again, the function fractal, send, and receive functions were dependent on the size of the picture, so they all had to be tripled and modified so that each computer could calculate a section in proportion to its efficiency. Interestingly, the time it took a computer to report in was not due to its CPU time, but also to other factors, such as network speed. This still decreased the average time from 2 to 1.5. Load-based task allocation is essential for clusters with varying computer capabilities.

·        The optimization of orbits did not take as long because the previous observations were, for the most part, taken into account. The first observation, that structure becomes critically important, still came into play. The total calculations included the movement of the objects, calculations for tracking close objects, and writing to picture files. All of these calculations are significant and cannot be removed without loss of functionality, but many are performed on multiple nodes and could possibly be simplified. After looking through all three sections, the picture section seemed most bulky and repetitive. There was a circle function for drawing round planets which was called at every timestep on every node for every planet in every picture. Circles are difficult to draw, and so when this was deleted it changed the runtime from 52 minutes to 6 minutes! This observation may be expanded to inefficient calculations are repeated on a cluster and become dramatic.


The goal of this project was realized: the cluster communicates, performs functions, and is a hugely powerful computational tool. It is a much faster system than a single personal computer as well as being much less expensive than traditionally constructed supercomputers. All three applications were parallelized and run on the cluster for significant runtime improvements.

Performance models confirm data from the cluster and can be used to estimate runtime for untested setups and plan cost and time efficient hardware platforms. The method used to create and utilize the performance models can be applied to other programs, and allow a more general understanding of cluster architecture and function.

Parallel Structure and Automatic Parallelization:

·        Xavier, C. and Iyengar S, Introduction to Parallel Algorithms, Wiley & Sons Inc, 1998

·        Almasi George and Gottlieb, Allan. Highly parallel computing, Redwood City, Calif.,  Ben-jamin/Cummings Publ. Comp.,., 1989.

·        Wikipedia, (no date given), Parallel Computing, 10/4/06, from:

·        Tannenbaum T., A Computation Management Agent for Multi-Institutional Grids, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

·        Blaise Barney, 6/10/06, Introduction to Parallel Computing, 11/26/06, from:

·        Wikipedia, (no date given), Automatic parallelization, 11/26/06, from:

·        Gonzalez-Escribano, Arturo and Llanos, Diego R. “Speculative Parallelization.” Computer Dec 2006, 126-128

·        Michael McCool, Harry Goldstein “Cure For the Multicore Blues.” Spectrum January 2007, 40-43

·        Designing and Building Parallel Programs, (no date given), Designing and Building Parallel Programs 11/26/06, from:


Linux Open-Source Parallel Projects:

·        openMosix, 05/21/06, openMoisx, and Open Source Linux Cluster Project, 10/4/06, from:

·        Beowulf, (no date given), Overview—How-To, 11/26/06, from:

·        Cluster Builder, (no date given), LinuxHPC.orh/Cluster Builder 1.2- Intro, 11/26/06, from:

·        Robert G. Brown, 5/24/06, Introduction and Overview, 11/26/06, from:

·        Wim Vandersmissen, (no date giver), ::ClusterKnoppix – Get it while it’s hot!, 11/26/06, from:

·        Source Code online File system, 11/26/06  from:

·        Rocks Core Development, (no date given), Rocks Clusters >> Downloads, 11/26/06, from:

·        Cluster Resources Inc., (no date given), Cluster Resources - TORQUE Resource Manager, 11/26/06, from:

·        David McNab, (no date given), Installing Knoppix on your hard drive, 11/26/06, from:

·, 10/10/06, Knoppix FAQ- Knoppix Documentation Wiki, 11/26/06, from:

·        Christian Boehme, 10/10/06, Instant-Grid, Ein Grin-Demonstrations-Toolkit, 11/26/06, from:

·        Anindya Roy and Sanjay Majumder, 6/2/05, PCQuest : Shootout : Clustering Linux Distros, 11/26/06, from:

·        Jeremy Garcia, 11/15/05, Live CD Clustering Using ParallelKnopix, 11/26/06, from:

·        Mahsa Nemati and Janos Tφlgyesi, 3/3/06, mobil wireless linux cluster, 11/26/06, from:

·        Valentin Vidić, 8/23/2006, About DCC project, 11/26/06, from:

·        Sourceforge, 5/19/05, Open-HA, 11/26/06, from:

·        Amnon Barak, (no date given), MOSIX papers, 11/26/06, from:

·        Ishikawa, Yutaka “MPC++ Approach to Parallel Computing Environment.” Tsukuba Research Center,

·        Ian Latter, 8/8/05, Midnight Code :: Project Chaos / CosMos  (The Great Systems), 11/26/06, from:

·        Danny Cohen, 1/24/96, ON HOLY WARS AND A PLEA FOR PEACE, 11/26/06, from:


Parser Information:

·        Wikipedia, (no date given), Yacc, 11/26/06, from:

·        Wikipedia, (no date given), Flex lexical analyzer, 11/26/06, from:

·        Dinasaur compiletools, (no date given), The Lex & Yacc Page, 11/26/06, from:

·        Stephen C. Johnson, (no date given), Yacc: Yet Another Compiler-Compiler, 11/26/06, from:

·        Charles Donnelly and Richard Stallman, Nove 95, Bison, The YACC-compatible Parser Generator, 11/26/06, from:

·        Satya Kiran Popuri, 9/13/06, Understanding C parsers generated by GNU Bison, 11/26/06, from:

·        Berkely, (no date given), Elsa, 11/26/06, from:

·        Google, (no date given), Google Directory, 11/26/06, from:

·        Stephen C. Johnson, Spring 1988, Yacc Meets C++, 11/26/06, from:

·        Terence Parr, 11/30/06, Debugging and Testing Grammars With Parse Trees and Derivations, 11/26/06, from:

·        The C++ Resources Network, (no date given), C++ reference: cstdio: fopen, 11/26/06, from:

·        mpC, (no date given), The mpC Parallel Programming Environment, 11/26/06, from:

·        Charles Donnelly and Richard Stallman, 2/10/06, The YACC-compatible Parser Generator, 12/26/06, from:

·        Bert Hubert, 4/20/06, Lex and Yacc primer/How do Lex and YACC work internally, 12/26/06, from:

·        Vern Paxson, March 1995, Flex- a scanner generator, 12/26/06, from:


Solar Simulation:

·        Robert Lemos, 3/9/07, State Might Make Pluto a Planet, 3/11/07, from:,72927-0.html?tw=wn_index_19

·        Martin Lo, (no date given), Martin Lo Publications, 3/11/07,

·        Wikipedia, (no date given), n-body Problem, 3/11/07, from:

·        Eric W. Weisstein, (no date given), Lagrange Points, 3/11/07,

·        Dr. J. R. Stockton, (no date given), Detailed Explanation on Gravity, 3/11/07,

·        John Baez, 12/19/05, Lagrange, 3/11/07,


Cellular Automata

·        Wikipedia, (no date given), Conway’s Game of Life, 5/4/07,




I would like to thank my mom for helping me make my report coherent.


To my dad, for his instruction in C++ and yacc.


Special thanks to Michael Vaughn, IS Administrator at KOBTV, for donating three hard drives. Thank you so much! They were much appreciated!


Ms. Arnold, Mrs. Sena, and Mrs. McKernan- you guys are great! Thanks for getting me interested and involved in science!



Computers used

The cluster experimented with for this project was built out of 7 computers purchased from the local auction house (Bentley’s). In total, $150 was used to buy over 25 computers and miscellaneous equipment, of which 5 computers were selected specifically for the cluster, others were scavenged for parts, some were used for other purposes, and the extra equipment (printers, cables, keyboards) were also used for I/O or communication purposes. These are the speeds/memory of the computers used in the cluster:

Model #                                   Speed                          Memory (mb)

J6qpl07 Dell                             1 ghz                                        256

Hsm8901 Dell                          800 mhz                                   256

D6cjv01 Dell                            1.1 ghz                                     384

5zrq801 Dell                            933 mhz                                   256

659ll01                         1 ghz                                        256


Windows Networking

gethostbyname[11]- takes the name of a website and asks all the other computers it can connect to if they know the website’s IP address. This changes the name into IP.

Sockets- A way of assigning a ‘name’ to a communication source. This is not just for the internet. For instance, USB ports have socket values too.

sockaddr_in- establishes a link through the IP address given and the socket.



[1] A tenet that says the density of transistors on integrated circuits--and, therefore, the speed of the chips--doubles roughly every 18 months. (

[2] Note that this is discovery driven science, not hypothesis driven science. Discovery driven steps being: development, execution/experiment, hypothesize (about improvement), refine, retest. Hypothesis driven science steps being: hypothesize, experiment, prove/disprove.

[3] Pluto is a ‘dwarf planet,’ although New Mexico might make it a full-planet (,72927-0.html?tw=wn_index_19). In any case, it is one of the farthest objects in the solar system, requiring substantial compute power.



[6] This project used the standard windows network functions instead of MPICH for educational exercise of writing the commands from scratch.


[7] Picture from:

[8] Functions are referred to in a different font.

[9] The parameters for Solar Sim are controlled in the solar sim file.

[10] Standard picture size for the project was 600X600 pixels- this turned out to be a good screen size for the browser.

[11] This command was initially used to test the socket functions, but was eventually dropped because the cluster uses the network commands, not internet commands, to communicate. However, it is a very ‘social’ command, requiring communication with other computers to work, making it extremely educational and useful for testing.